Thursday, October 31, 2019

Contract Law, Exclusion Clause Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contract Law, Exclusion Clause - Coursework Example Some of the examples of service contracts are providing accounting services , provision of health care , provision of legal services,etc.(Bradgate & White 2007 :211). A service provider who deals with his customer cannot enforce his own printed standard terms of conditions thereby cannot either restrict or exclude his accountability for infringement of contract or offer an incomplete service for which he has to demonstrate that exclusion clause is in line with â€Å" test of fairness or reasonableness.† If he has not taken any reasonable skill or exercise reasonable care, he will be held liable under â€Å"negligence† under the common or contractual law. The act of negligence engrosses any infringement under common law or any contractual duty to exercise reasonable skill or to show reasonable care. This study will analyse whether by including an exclusion clause in a service contract, a party to contract can avoid the liability for any loss caused by the negligence. Exc lusion Clause and Negligence In UK, service contracts do contain limitation or exclusion clauses. Sometimes, these limitation clauses are upheld in the case law. As regards to exclusion clauses pertaining to liability in a contract and in tort are normally valid only if they are rational which connotes in consideration with both contracting parties at the juncture of contract is made as per the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. An exclusion clause is like a double -edged sword since it will be construed against the party who relies on it as held in Curtis v.Chemical Cleaning Co. 1 (Barendrecht 2007 :685). A service contract may contain an exclusion clause thereby one party wants to restrict his accountability for his negligence or infringement of contract. Moreover, such clause can be relied by a party only if it has been included in the said contract, and for the purpose of elucidation, it is applicable to the loss in the question. Its validity will then be interpreted under the â₠¬Å"Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999† and under the â€Å"Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.† It is to be observed that the above laws are introduced in UK on the basis ofEU Unfair Consumer Contract Terms Directive. (Lawson 2011:57). A party desirous to trust on the exclusion clause must demonstrate that it is part and parcel of the contract. Through by a notice or by signature or through the process of dealing, an exclusion clause can be inserted in the contract. For exclusion of any liability for negligence, there should be clear words in a contract as held in White v John Warwick2. (Taylor & Taylor: 136). A service supplier is accountable under the statute only for not taking rational care in the provision of service. In normal parlance, there exists no implicit responsibility to accomplish any given outcome by a supplier of service and if a buyer wishes to have such undertaking, it should be provided in the service contract as an express term. (Bradga te & White2007:212). Under s2 (2) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977?accountability for any other variety of damage or loss can be kept out provided the notice or term fulfils the prerequisite of reasonableness. A service provider cannot control or exclude his accountability in negligence for loss originating from defects in services provided for either consumption or for private use by means of notice or term included in a guarantee. In an action of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Extortion in prisons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Extortion in prisons - Research Paper Example In summary, prison extortion has become a serious challenge to modern correctional facilities but all is to be blamed on the prevalent of the prison gangs and security threat groups. A search of the existing literature reveals that extortions occur for monetary gain where the victim offers to pay for protection against violence from senior offenders. On the other hand, the literature review shows that some measures have always been taken to reduce extortions including gang renunciation, proper orientation of the inmates, isolation and reconsidering the jail terms for the petty offenders so as to reduce overcrowding in the prison cells. Therefore, it is recommendable to introduce policies that will hinder the communication between the gang members especially cell phone services. Besides, correctional facilities can only record low number of extortion cases when there are incentives from the government to allocate more resources for staffing. Most importantly, separation and isolation of the inmates is necessary to reduce the extortions.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Millennium Development Goals Mdgs Sociology Essay

The Millennium Development Goals Mdgs Sociology Essay The Millennium Development Goals are an integrated set of eight goals and 18 time-bound targets for extending the benefits of globalization to the worlds poorest citizens. The goals aim to stimulate real progress by 2015 in tackling the most pressing issues facing developing countries poverty, hunger, inadequate education, gender inequality, child and maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation. UNDP helps countries formulate national development plans focused on the MDGs and chart national progress towards them through the MDG reporting process (Wacc, 2006). In most developing countries, gender inequality is a major obstacle to meeting the MDG targets. In fact, achieving the goals will be impossible without closing the gaps between women and men in terms of capacities, access to resources and opportunities, and vulnerability to violence and conflict. Millennium Development Goal 3 is to promote gender equality and empower women. The goal has one target: to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005 and to all levels of education no later than 2015. Four indicators are used to measure progress towards the goal: the ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education; the ratio of literate women to men in the 15-to 24-year-old age group; the share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector; and the proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments. The existence of a separate goal on gender equality is the result of decades of advocacy, research and coalition-building by the international womens movement. Its very existence demonstrates that the global community has accepted the centrality of gender equality and womens empowerment to the development paradigm- at least at the rhetorical level. Gender inequality means inequality between men and women in accessing the existing resources (Saroukhani 1991:673). In the view of Krammara Treicehr any kind of behavior, policy, languages, and other actions that represents a fixed, comprehensive, and institutionalized view in regard to women as inferior beings, means gender inequality. (1985:185). Therefore, gender inequality refers to the differences between men and women in receiving social and economic advantages which is often to the benfit of men at the expense of women, which means men take superiority over women. Men and women experience the world of work quite differently. Wage disparities, occupational sex segregation, and gender differences in authority, for example, are well recognized (e.g., Padavic and Reskin 2002). Despite distinguished changes in work, meaningful differences in these areas remain persistent features of contemporary society (England 2006, 2010). While there are certainly other factors at play, this paper focuses on discrimination in a variety forms, including in hiring (Gorman 2005; Goldin and Rouse 2000), promotions (Olson and Becker 1983), wages (Meitzen 1986), glass ceiling, and as well as sexual harassment (Welsh 1999).Of course, documenting the contemporary occurrence of gender discrimination in employment is only a first step. As Reskin (2000, 320) argues, We need to move beyond demonstrating that employment discrimination exists, and investigate why it persists in work organizations. We must look at processes that lead to unequal outcomes for women and men. The real challenge is to uncover how discrimination unfolds in actual work settings. The issue of gender inequality can be considered as a universal feature of developing countries.One of the areas of disparity between males and females is related to the difference in their employment status which is present through occupational segregation, gender-based wage gaps, and womens unequal image in informal employment, unpaid work and higher unemployment rates (UNFPA, 2005). As women in developing countries have low status in the community, the activities they perform tend to be valued less; and womens low status is also perpetuated through the low value placed on their activities (March et al., 1999). In the case of Mauritius, even though there has been a rapid change in the society where women have reached a high level and hold status such as Judges, Directors, Engineers which were unconceivable to be the fields where women could emerged; there are still some occupation where women are entangled in the culture norms and could not take the lead. For example, there are some sectors such as Fire Men at the Fire Services where there are no female officers. There are less women who work as Electrician, Plumber or even Carpenter, as these occupations do not allow women to perform well due to their physical strength. Besides there is no doubt that there are organisations which are gender biased. Most of the organisations are entirely rules by male managerial culture as when organisations were first performed; only males were in the paid workforce.   Despite there has been an increased in the education field at all level and the increase of women in the workforce, there has been a minor change to the men dominated culture in the workplace where women are still treated as inferior agents. Our study focused on how gender inequality still has an impact on the Mauritian female within the workplace. General context An Overview of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries The issue of gender inequality can be considered as a universal aspect of developing countries. Unlike women in developed countries who are, in relative terms, economically empowered and have a powerful voice that demands an audience and positive action, women in developing countries are generally silent and their voice has been stifled by economic and cultural factors. Economic and cultural factors, together with institutional factors state the gender-based division of labour, rights, responsibilities, opportunities, and access to and control over resources. Education, literacy, access to media, employment, decision making, among other things, are some of the areas of gender disparity. One of the areas of disparity between males and females is related to the difference in their employment status which is distinct by occupational segregation, wage inequality, and womens unequal representation in informal occupation, unpaid work and higher unemployment rates (UNFPA, 2005). As women in developing countries have low status in the community, the activities they perform tend to be valued less; and womens low status is also perpetuated through the low value placed on their activities (March et al., 1999). In-depth analysis of DHS by Hindin (2005) showed that only 17% of women in Zimbabwe, 12% in Zambia and 4% in Malawi have higher status job than their partners. The respective percentages of women whose partners have higher status jobs are 52, 43 and 53. Women are also overrepresented in the informal sector. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 84% of womens non-agricultural employment is informal compared to 63% of mens. The figure is found to be 58% and 48% for women and men, respectively in Latin America (UNFPA, 2005). Studies generally show that women are more likely to be engaged in work which is for longer hours than men. For instance, in 18 of the 25 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, greater than 50% of women were employed and even in six of these countries the percentage of employed women was greater than 75% (Mukuria et al.,2005). However, as most of the employed women work in agricultural and other activities which are mostly considered to be having limited or no financial returns, their employment does not contribute much to their status in the workplace. Thus, women in those countries are dependent on their partners in most aspects of their life. In spite of its importance in enabling women to get access to information about personal health behaviours and practices, household, and community, the percentage of women exposed to different types of media is limited in most developing countries. Womens limited access to education, employment opportunity, and media, attached with cultural factors, reduces their decision making power in the society in general and in a household in particular. Regarding their participation in decision making at national level, though the number of women in national parliaments has been increasing, no country in the world has yet achieved gender parity. According to the millennium indicators data base of the United Nations, cited in the UNFPA (2005), the percentage of parliamentary seats held by women in 2005 was 16% at world level, 21% in developed countries, and 14% in developing countries. This low representation of women in national parliaments could be due, among others, to type of electoral systems in different countries, womens social, economic status and beliefs about womens place in the family and society, and womens double responsibilities for work and family (UNFPA, 2005). Women are underrepresented in the formal sector of employment. The survey conducted by the Central Statistical Authority (CSA, 2004) showed that women account for less than half (43%) of the total employees in the country. Considering the percentage of female employees from the total number of employees by employment type, the highest was in domestic activities (78%) and followed by unpaid activities (59.3%). In other types of formal employment (e.g. government, NGOs, private organizations), the percentage of female workers is less than 35. On the other hand, the survey showed overrepresentation of female workers in the informal sector. About 58% of working women work in the informal sector whereas the percentage of working men in the informal sector was 37.7 % (ibid).The breakdown of the federal government employees by occupational groups also indicated gender disparity. From federal government employees found in the clerical and fiscal type of jobs 71.3 % were female, while the percentage of females was slightly more than half (51%) in custodial and manual type of jobs. Women make up 25% and 18% of the administrative and professional and scientific job categories, respectively, indicating that upper and middle level positions are overwhelmingly dominated by men (Federal Civil Service Commission, 2005). This concentration of women in the informal sector and low level positions has implication on their earnings. In this regard, the survey showed four out of ten women civil servants earn Birr 300 a month compared to two out of ten for men (Federal Civil Service Commission, 2005).Ethiopian womens access to mass media is one of the lowest. In their DHS comparative report, Mukuria et al. (2005) show that, among 25 Sub-Saharan African countries. Chapter 2 Component of gender inequality-horizontal and vertical segregation Jonung (1984, p. 45) defines the presence of occupational gender segregation as when women and men are given different occupations that is reliable with their overall shares of employment, irrespective of the nature of job that they have. Gender segregation mean when the percentage of one gender is higher than that of males and females in an occupation. It reflects the gender differences in employment opportunity. The number of occupation with segregation against women is far greater than the number of occupations with segregation against men. Occupational gender segregation consists of two main component dimensions known as horizontal and vertical segregation (Blackburn et al, 2000). Horizontal segregation is known as under or over representation of certain group in the workplace which is not ordered by any criterion (Bettio and Verashchagina, 2009). According to Anker (1998) horizontal segregation is an absolute and universal characteristic of contemporary socio-economic systems. It focuses mainly when men and women possess different physical, emotional and mental capabilities. Such discrimination occurs when women are categorized as less intelligent, hormonal and sensitive (Acker 1990). Women are labeled as unreliable and dependent workers when they are pregnant. They are less competent as they will not work as long and hard as others. They become more stressful and sensible to tiny issues happen in the workplace. Martin (1994) declared that in masculine management style, most of the time women possess soft skills and men possess hard skills. It is this concept which creates gender segregation in the workplace. Vertical segregation referred to the under or over representation of a clearly identifiable group of workers in the workplace at the top of an ordering based on desirable attributes such as income, prestige, authority and power. Huffman (1995) finds that women do not possess enough supervisory authority at work, in education, occupational experience and prestige. One reason that women lack authority is because most women are more concentrated in female-dominated occupations which comprise fever position of authority than male-dominated occupations. Moreover, it is viewed that mens have greater status value, that is mens personality are more valuable than womens and they are much more skilled. (Broverman et al. 1972; Deaux and Kite 1987; Eagly 1987). Men possess more powerful position in the workplace (Bridges Nelson 1989). Womens wage rates are lower than mens even if their qualifications are similar. As women enter in the workplace, this reduces the level of prestige related with the task and men leave these occupations. Sex discrimination-discrimination, harassment and glass ceiling In many parts of the world, women have experienced breakthroughs in their rights in employment. Despite these advances, women from every country and culture continue to face sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. The international community has recognized both discrimination based on sex in the terms and conditions of employment and sexual harassment as violations of the fundamental human rights of women (Gudrun and Danya, 1998). Although sex discrimination is prohibited by law, it continues to be a widespread problem for working women. There are three forms of sex discrimination that have an effect on women in organizations: overt discrimination, sexual harassment and the glass ceiling. Each has negative effects on womens status and ability to perform well at work. Overt discrimination Overt discrimination is defined to make gender as a decisive factor for employment-related decisions. This type of discrimination was targeted by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited making decisions based on sex in employment-related matters such as hiring, firing, and promotions. It consist such behaviours as to refuse to hire women, to pay them inequitably or even to steer them to womens jobs. Overt discrimination also led to occupational sex segregation where jobs are classified by low pay, low status and short career ladders (Reskin, 1997). Sexual Harassment MacKinnon (1979:1) defined sexual harassment as the unwanted imposition of sexual requirements in the context of a relationship of unequal power. As in overt discrimination, sexual harassment is a persistent gendered problem for women in the workplace around the world. Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination, but one manifestation of the larger problem of employment-related discrimination against women. It now appears obvious that sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. There are three psychological dimensions of sexual harassment that continued to persist worldwide: sexual coercion, gender harassment and useless sexual attention ((Fitzgerald et al., 1995; Gelfand et al., 1995). The case of sexual harassment in the workplace is mainly due to obtain more power and status than the opposite sex (e.g., Baugh, 1997; McKinney, 1992; Piotrkowski, 1998; Riger, 1991; Welsh, 1999) Statistical discrimination is another form of sex discrimination in the workplace, it consists of sex-typed job assignment (i.e. error discrimination-Aigner Cain 1977, England McCreary 1987, Bielby Baron 1986a). For example, employers put men into jobs which consist physical demands and women into jobs demanding social skills (Bielby Baron 1984, Farkas et al 1991). However, employers introduce gender segregation in job assignments exceeds technical or economic justifications: within the mixed-sex occupations that either sex could presumably perform, small differences in job requirements were accompanied by large differences in sex composition (Bielby Baron 1986a:782). The Glass ceiling The term the glass ceiling was coined in a 1986 Wall Street Journal report on corporate women. The glass ceiling is a concept that most frequently refers to invisible or artificial barriers that do not allow women from advancing past a certain level in corporations, government, education and nonprofit organization (Federal Glass Ceiling Commission -FGCC, 1997; Morrison and von Glinow, 1990). These barriers reflect discrimination a deep line of demarcation between those who prosper and those left behind. The glass ceiling is the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements (Federal Glass Ceiling Commission 1995b:4; emphasis added). This official description suggests that the definition of glass ceiling must know that it reflects job inequality that is unexplained by a persons past qualifications or achievements; it reflects labor market discrimination, not ju st labor market inequality. For the purpose of this study, the glass ceiling concept is discussed regarding women who suffer from discrimination in the workplace. The usual method to know where there is discrimination is to look for inequalities that are unexplained by prior personality of the employees. Inequalities that originate from past discrimination in education or training or from choices that people make to pursue nonmarket goals such as family, volunteer work or leisure are not generally measured as part of a glass ceiling. Therefore, glass ceiling inequality represents a gender or racial difference that is not explained by other job-relevant characteristics of the employee. The glass ceiling is a third type of discrimination that affects women in the workplace and it is an important factor for women who do not get enough access to power and status in organizations. It also includes gender stereotypes, lack of opportunities for women to get promotion and prevent women to get higher income than men.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Definition Essay - Genre -- Definition Essay

Definition Essay – Genre "Genre," in the most generic definition, takes the meaning "kind; sort; style" (OED). Prior to the term's inception, the notion of genre in the study of media emerged in The Poetics, with Aristotle's discussion of the mode or manner of imitation in poetry. Of this Aristotle writes, "the medium being the same, and the objects [of imitation] the same, the poet may imitate by narration - in which case he can either take another personality as Homer does, or speak in his own person, unchanged - or he may present all his characters as living and moving before us" (Aristotle, 53). Here lies the distinction between epic, lyric, and drama, a distinction based solely in convention, the usage of the medium, independent of specific content (see also Narrative/Lyric/Drama). Yet Aristotle's genre binary of Tragedy and Comedy rests on some observation of the objects of imitation themselves: "Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in actual life" (Aristotle, 52). Later, in Section IV of The Poetics , Aristotle offers another method of generating this binary, based in historical observation (or some semblance of it). One final consideration, that of a work's purpose, arises in Aristotle's definition of Tragedy as "through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions," (Aristotle, 61). In this way The Poetics sketches out the basic framework of genre; yet this framework remains loose, since Aristotle establishes genre in terms of both convention and historical observation, and defines genre in terms of both convention and purpose. In Anatomy of Criticism (1957) Northrop Frye wrote, "We discover that the critical theory of genre is stuck precisely where Aristotle left ... ...ohns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton University Press: Princeton. 1990. Lacey, Nick. Narrative and Genre: Key Concepts in Media Studies. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000. Liddell & Scott. An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (Middle Liddell). London: Oxford University Press, 1968. MacLuhan, Marhsall. Understanding Media. Malmkjà ¦r, Kirsten. "Genre Analysis." The Linguistics Encyclopedia. Ed. Kirsten Malmkjà ¦r. New York: Routledge, 1991. Monaco, James. How to Read a Film. Oxford University Press: New York. 1981. Trowse, Nadeane. "The Exclusionary Potential of Genre: Margery Kempe's Transgressive Search for a Deniable Pulpit." The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre. Cresskill, NJ: Hampston Press Inc., 2002. Warshow, Robert. The Immediate Experience. Harvard University Press: Cambridge. 2001.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History and Chronological Order

Gunfire and Brickbats: The Great Railway Strikes of 1877 In this article Gunfire and Brickbats, Gerald G. Eggent shows the significant history of the railroad strike and went through the workers and company owners. The main reason of this article was to show the conflicts and resolution of the strike that occurred at the time. Also the article show’s how the strike made many suffers economically and how the country suffered. Many readers do not understand what they read but this article will be very difficult to forget.The article’s thesis is on why and how the workers lead to the strike and also what they had to endure during the process of the strike. There were very terrifying violence’s that occurred at the strike. It shows how stubborn the workers were that they didn’t give up as easy, but it also explains on how little powers the workers had compared to the company owners. This strike was very popular and had spread everywhere in the country, includi ng westward. This also shows how immigrants affected this strike. Like labor workers and the Chinese workers were targeted to do so.As well it was a concern to see that the government didn’t really care anymore. Eventually the strikes did lose to the poor imbalance but they did change the views of workers. After the strike the government helped both labor and capital. This article contributes my understanding of the historical period on the strike of 1877. After reading this article, I gained more knowledge and more descriptive events of the timeline. For example, how badly people needed jobs and the struggle they were going through. Articles like these are really the ones who teach everyone more precisely.In addition, this article was a perfect time to been given out, because this follow’s the timeline of the reading. This article has many strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses are very weak, in other words weren’t that bad. One weakness was that the writing was too formal and hard to understand certain statements. Strength was the chronological order, and how everything was given out was just amazing. All the writing in this article was in control and it backed everything up. In conclusion, Gunfire and Brickbats was an odd and wonderful strike.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An investigation and analysis of the role of women in contemporary Islam in the context of a multicultural society

When a person thinks of a Muslim woman immediately the image that forms in your mind is one of veils, tent like garb and the word ‘oppression' and ‘suppression' comes to mind. This image of being suppressed and oppressed, being without any rights or social standing is a Western stereotypical view of Muslim women. To understand and appreciate the true essence of Islam it is important to carefully investigate the roles of both Muslim women and men in Islam and the religious authority for these. It is most important to consider what a Muslim woman's rights and obligations are, and how they are lived out in daily life. Alongside this it is relevant to find out how a Muslim woman may be influenced by her family's culture and the traditions and cultures of other peoples in this society. In a multicultural society such as Britain there are many people of different religious backgrounds. Britain today can be seen as a multicultural society or even a secular society, which is not governed by religious laws and certainly not by Shari'ah. Muslims living in Britain today come into day-to-day contact with many ideas, beliefs and practices which are not part of Islam. Analysing how Muslim women can stay true to their Islamic faith in such a society is an integral part of this essay. In Islam family life from many famous scholars is referred to as being the ‘corner-stone of society' as it brings new generations into the world, therefore the parents have very important duties to play. They also have vital duties and obligations towards one-another. The duties of a husband and the wife towards each other are clearly stated in Islam (Qur'an 4:34). This makes the fulfillment of the purpose of marriage easy and removes confusion. The husband's duties include providing food; clothing; accommodation as well as general welfare needs for his wife; she does not have to provide any of these herself from her own property or her earnings, unless she wishes and is able to help her husband. The husband also provides household help for his wife, or helps her himself, as well as giving help to her in training the children. He also must try to satisfy the sexual needs of his wife and treats her with kindness and honour as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said : â€Å"The best of you is the one who is best to his family, and I am best to my family† Hadith : Al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah) The wife, for her part is required to obey her husband as leader of the family so long as he does not try to make her disobey Allah. She must look after the home and children, bringing them up as good and righteous people – Allah will ask her about this duty (Hadith Al-Bukhari and Muslim). In her husband's absence she must ensure that no one not approved by her husband is allowed into the home, and also try to satisfy her husband's sexual needs. You can see that the duties of the husband are the rights of the wife, whilst the duties of the wife are the rights of the husband. Allah says: â€Å"†¦ the rights of the wives (with regards to their husbands) are equal to the rights of the husband with regard to them†. (Qur'an 2:228) The Qur'an states: â€Å"They (women) are your garments. And you (men) are their garments†. The words from the Holy Qur'an state precisely how men and women relate to one another – like a body and its garments. Without garments the body is meaningless and vice versa, this symbolizes the complimentary roles a husband and wife play and that they must got together, apart they would have little reason to exist. People in multi-cultural society may have noticed how a large number of Muslim women dress differently from one another, some from head to toe, others in more westernized but unrevealing clothing. This is mainly due to cultural impacts, for e. g. covering a woman's body does not necessarily require her to wear a ‘jilbab' (long dark coat-like dress), Islamically she is required to dress modestly in public. Places like Afghanistan's cultural impacts mean women are forced in the way they are dressed, as they have no choice. â€Å"Say to believing men†¦ nd believing women, that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.. â€Å"(24:30-31) Living in a multicultural society poses many difficulties for Muslim parents or Muslim's in general. This is because within the sphere of their homes the environment is Islamic and very sheltered. However outside the home Muslim's come into contact with different ideas which can act as obstacles for them. This is because Britain allows what most Islamic societies would not allow for women for example involvement in pornography, modesty of dress, Muslim women do not walk around scantily dressed for example in a bikini. Abortion is not allowed except in exceptional circumstances in Islam whereas it is a common place in Britain. Also divorce is considered one of the worst acts in Islam but like abortion it is a commonplace as well as free mixing between the sexes. This shows that such things are taking place in Britain and that they oppose Islamic teachings. For a Muslim living in a multicultural society some of the issues that arise are usually the differences between secular law versus religious law (shari'ah). The fact that Muslim values are different to secular values and a Muslim lifestyle following such values makes more demands. These issues can cause problems for Muslims, especially the 2nd or third generation who seem to be becoming more and more secular. These youth can be seen to have adopted secular values in their pursuit of status, placing great value in cars, money and other material possessions more than religious values or practice. These remind parents of their native countries, so they arrange marriages for their children to people inn the native countries. What the parents don't realise is these ‘native countries' have become more secular too and that people there have become more westernized. The benefits for Muslims in a multicultural society like Britain is the access to education, there is a greater chance of Muslims obtaining education in this country compared to their ‘slim to none' chances back in their native countries. There is an opportunity to be involved in public life occupation wise. As the government in Britain is not ruled by a specific religion, people are allowed to practice their religion openly, whereas in Turkey a woman is not permitted to wear a headscarf to college, school, or university. Also in communist countries people did not have the right to proclaim what they believed in. Many Muslims in Great Britain are often asked whether they are British or Muslim first. There is a difference of opinion to this answer between the older and younger generations. The younger people tend to say they are British and Muslim whereas the older generation hesitate and reply they are Muslim first. What we should ask ourselves is how come it is only the Muslims this question is posed to? Why not the Christians or the Jews? These kinds of questions are asked for example during the Gulf War or since the incident on September 11th. The Muslims are expected to be on the defensive, as if there is going to be a conflict with being a Muslim and British at the same time. This is the way of thinking for the majority of Non-Muslim British people; it shows their lack of understanding of Islam and their deeply rooted misconceptions concerning the religion. This is also a result of lack of integration between people. The Muslim women that wear veils, head scarves and long flowing clothing are often seen as ‘oppressed' or ‘suppressed' by the majority of Non-Muslims in British society. They see these women as being ‘dominated' by men. In reality the majority of these women wearing veils or such articles of clothing do so voluntarily, the main aim is protection and not oppression. â€Å"Prophet, enjoin in your wives, your daughters and the wives of true believers to draw their veils close around them. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized (as virtuous women) and not molested. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful†. (33:59) It is mistaken to believe that Islam encourages the oppression of women. On the contrary, Islam elevates women in an all-round manner. Islam regards women and men as equals; they both have the same religious duties and get equal rewards. Allah says: â€Å"I will not allow the good deeds of any of you, male or female, to be lost. You (male and female) come from one-another†¦ † (Qur'an 3:195; 4:124) Islam stopped the female infanticide (81:8; 6:151) and promises the reward of paradise to parents who look after their daughters. Muslim women like men are encouraged to acquire education from the cradle to the grave. A Muslim woman retains her legal identity after marriage and can keep her family name. She may seek and obtain divorce if she needs it. She is free to move around in society (with her husbands consent), provided she is modestly dressed and straightforward to avoid molestation by evil men. (Qur'an 33:22-59) As a mother, the greatest respect is paid to her on account of her sacrifices on behalf of her children. (Qur'an 31:13; 46:15) â€Å"Paradise lies at the feet of the mothers†. In Great Britain Islam is a minority religion; it is not the way of life for the majority in this multicultural society. Britain is arguably not religious; therefore it can be seen as a secular society. Its laws do not reflect any particular religions beliefs, however in the past Christianity played a major role in the appointed laws. The society is still influenced by religious values, there are laws protecting what most religions consider sacred or valuable, an example of this is the value religions hold for life. There are laws introduced for the sole purpose of preventing death or injury like how a driver and passengers in a car must wear seat belts. The laws in Britain also evolve around individual religions, for example the law in Britain for people riding a motorcycle is that it is compulsory to wear a crash helmet. In the 1980's the Sikh community complained that it was impossible to do so if they were wearing turbans, the government then made a clause in the law for Sikhs who wore turbans, that when riding a motorbike it wasn't compulsory for them to wear a crash helmet. There are also many problems for Muslims who live in small individual communities that do not integrate with one another. This division often causes misunderstandings between them which results in conflict mostly between the youth of the communities. An incident of this occurred not very long ago in Oldham, between the Pakistani community and the white community. Oldham is one of the most segregated cities in Britain. The white and Pakistani communities have many riots, this is mainly due to lack of integration. To correct this situation faith leaders of the communities should hold regular meetings to discuss and promote interfaith relationships. This encourages less hostile attitudes between the people like in Leister. The majority of Asians came from Africa where they were used to British people, when they came to Britain they could relate to the people more easily than the Asians from Oldham. Another major barrier between people is language and dress. If people cannot communicate with one another it is impossible for interfaith relationships. It is also quite common for people from different racial backgrounds to stereotype Muslims by the way the women dress. As they find it foreign they cannot form a relationship with them, this results in people perceiving Muslims with hostility. In conclusion to this essay I believe there should be more interfaith relationships and language barriers should be broken down, this way people from different cultural and racial backgrounds can relate to one-another and not stereotype or generalize. There should be more integration especially in schools, also there shouldn't be segregated communities, people from different nationalities should live together. There already is an increase in women choosing there marriage partners, and women having children later on in life so they can actively partake in more career based roles. Due to the education in this country it is estimated that after a couple of generations language barriers would be broken down, that more Westernized dress would be adapted to in a way that seems Islamic and women would take up more prominent roles in the Islamic and in wider communities. This could be an advantage as well as a disadvantage, there could be spokeswomen who is highly educated in the fields of politics and other high profile careers, this way they could be interviewed by the media and as a result the general Non-Muslim public would be more aware of Islamic teachings and see it in a more acceptable and not so negative light. This is the possible future for Muslim women in this multicultural society. However, my personal opinion as a Muslim living in British society would be that it is important to remember that though these women may become more prominent in secular society as Islam's â€Å"leading women†, they would be placed under a negative light from fellow Muslims. These women in partaking such active roles would be leaving their idealistic obligatory role as according to Islam, also to get to this ‘possible future' would mean many rules would have to be broken, twisted or forgotten completely. According to Islam a woman's true worth would be greatly acknowledged if her duty at home first is complete.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Attila Jozsefs Oedipus Complex Revealed Through H Essays

Attila Jozsef's Oedipus Complex Revealed Through H Essays Attila Jozsef's Oedipus Complex Revealed Through His Escapes From Reality Attila Jozsef's Oedipus Complex Revealed Through His Escapes From Reality Escaping reality is needed to write freely and creatively. Jozsef constantly escapes reality and writes beautiful poems. In his escapes, he acts like a father figure. He writes about how he misses his mother's love and yearns for his mother sexually. He gets upset and even mad because she isn't there for him. From his escapes we can psychologically determine that Jozsef has an Oedipus complex. A factor of the Oedipus complex is for the boy to be to his mother as his father is. Jozsef reveals this in his poems by trying to be the man of the house. Bringing home food is an example of what the man of the house does. Bring you potatoes, chicken, and a sack of millet (Jozsef 33). This was one of the things Jozsef does to imitate his father. From the first lines in the poem called Eulogy, he shows his yearning for his mother's affection and presence. I burn with a fever of ninety-eight point six degrees and mother you wont even nurse me (33). Jozsef's mother desserts him so early that he never has a chance to out grow the childish need for a mother. He flashes back at the way she treated him. You warmed my soup, blew it, and stirred it. And said eat and grow tall, my love (33). Like a child he wishes for her to be there to comfort and make him feel safe. The main idea of the Oedipus complex is that the boy wants his mother in a sexual way. Jozsef daydreams of her like a boy with a crush. I try to piece you together, from autumn scenes and a lot of women (33) Jozsef pictures her as his fantasy woman. I wear a pressed suit in my heart when I speak to you (62). He imagines dressing up to impress her. I mustn't think of your before my work is done, your dancing.(62) He can't get his mind of her and visions her dancing. All of these are ways of showing how much you love and miss your new girlfriend, but not your mother. Jozsef writes, You took it form me, and gave yourself and your breasts to the worms I should have eaten you(33), He lusts for her sexually. He reveals the accepting of his mother's death, and not being able to fulfill his desires. Now you lips taste only the dampness(33) He wants her lips to taste his. It can't be, so like all jealous lovers he gets angry. His anger is because of her death. She broke his heart, never allowing his fantasies to be fulfilled. You used to comfort me and scold me, but I see know that your words were all lies Your lips taste only the dampness- you lied to me on purpose(33). He gets disillusional by thinking he can still call her back and she will hear him. It's been five weeks, I don't know where you are.(62) I fell like cursing you, mamma, I cant hear you, yell at me You're terrible! You strive not to be, you ruin everything you shadow.(34) His anger and Jealous rages are an insight to his love for her. In his escapes from reality Jozsef strives to take his fathers place. Revealing the intense feelings he has for his mother's love and his sexual desire for her. He goes through all the stages that a person goes through when something tragic happens: Denial, anger, and finally acceptance. Jozsef's poems are intense because he has so much feeling behind them. His poems to reveal the reality of his desires, which is why we can presume his complex. Bibliography About atilla jozsef's inner thoughts

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on American Flag

you are saying means? I know I do mean what I say, and I believe every word that comes out of my mouth, whether I wrote what I am saying or not, it has extreme meaning to me, as it should to every one of us. The history of the flag is an amazing one, and we learn about when we are in middle school, but I don’t think we remember how important it is throughout our high school years. The thirteen stripes symbolize the first thirteen colonies. These colonies are what made us what we are today, free individuals. Each star represents every one of the glorious states that make up our country. Each state is treated equally, just as every star is made with the same amount of points, and the same measurements. The history is important to know, but it is even more important to respect the flag, and to have a reason to even look at it. If your not remembering someone who is fighting for the country, or how we are lucky to be free like we are, then why would you even bother looking at it, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance? Memorial Day has just passed, and everyone was waving an American Flag, yet, it seems that this is one of the only days that people actually remember anyone or anything that has happened in the country. It is the only day that you will see a flag on every person’s house, and it is the only day that you will see children being taught why we are all home together on Memorial Day. It is the only day that they will learn of the people who fough... Free Essays on American Flag Free Essays on American Flag Freedom. History. Pride. Everyone has a different meaning for the flag, and each one of us has a different feeling when we look up at it. Whether it is standing up every day in school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance because you have to, or whether it is actually having respect for our countries flag, a meaning is there. Think about it, when you say the Pledge of Allegiance, do you really mean every word you say? Do you even know what you are truly saying? Do you know what the words you are saying means? I know I do mean what I say, and I believe every word that comes out of my mouth, whether I wrote what I am saying or not, it has extreme meaning to me, as it should to every one of us. The history of the flag is an amazing one, and we learn about when we are in middle school, but I don’t think we remember how important it is throughout our high school years. The thirteen stripes symbolize the first thirteen colonies. These colonies are what made us what we are today, free individuals. Each star represents every one of the glorious states that make up our country. Each state is treated equally, just as every star is made with the same amount of points, and the same measurements. The history is important to know, but it is even more important to respect the flag, and to have a reason to even look at it. If your not remembering someone who is fighting for the country, or how we are lucky to be free like we are, then why would you even bother looking at it, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance? Memorial Day has just passed, and everyone was waving an American Flag, yet, it seems that this is one of the only days that people actually remember anyone or anything that has happened in the country. It is the only day that you will see a flag on every person’s house, and it is the only day that you will see children being taught why we are all home together on Memorial Day. It is the only day that they will learn of the people who fough...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Origin of the Name Nunavut

The Origin of the Name Nunavut The meaning of Nunavut is the Inuktitut word for our land.  Nunavut is one of the three territories and 10 provinces that make up Canada. Nunavut became a territory of Canada in 1999, formed from the eastern region of the mainland Northwest Territories and most of the Arctic Archipelago.  The vast territory is helmed by its capital,  Iqaluit, located at the head of  Frobisher Bay  on southern  Baffin Island. In 1975, an accord, the  James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, was agreed upon  between the Canadian federal government, the Province of Quebec and Inuit representatives. This accord resulted in the establishment of the  Kativik Regional Government  in the Nunavik territory, and the residents of all 14 Nunavik settlements now elect their own representatives in regional elections. The Inuktitut Language Inuktitut, or Eastern Canadian  Inuktitut, is one of the principal  Inuit languages  of  Canada. It is also an aboriginal language that is  written  using the Canadian Aboriginal syllabics. Syllabics is a family of  consonant-based alphabets called abugidas. It is used by several Aboriginal  Canadian  language families including Algonquian,  Inuit, and Athabaskan.   Vastly different from the  Latin script used by more widespread  languages, the use of  syllabics greatly increases the likelihood of literacy among readers, due to its ease of use.   The Inuktitut language is spoken throughout Arctic Canada, including all areas north of the  tree line. The northern regions in the provinces of Quebec, Newfoundland Labrador,  Manitoba,  and  Nunavut use the language, as well as the Northwest Territories.  Inuktitut not only refers to the language but the entire culture of the Eastern Canadian Inuit.   Inuit Culture and Language The Inuit mannerisms, social behaviors, and values make up Inuktitut, in addition to the written and spoken word. An Inuktitut education takes place outside of traditional schools in the home,  and also on the land, sea, and ice. Young tribe members observe their parents and elders  and practice their new language and life skills in order to perfect them. The word  Inuit means the people, and it is an autonym. The singular form is  Inuk. Lifestyle Based Around Extreme Weather Conditions The Inuit lifestyle is completely based around the  extreme weather conditions they must endure. Basic survival skills along with fishing, hunting and  trapping are essential for daily life. Agriculture has always been an impossibility, so instead, the  Inuit diet is unlike any typical eating plan found elsewhere in the world. Beluga whale, seal, arctic char, crab, walrus, caribou, duck, moose, caribou, quail and geese make up almost the entirety of their diet, except in the warmer months when field roots and  berries, such as cloudberries are picked and served, when in season. This meat and fat-heavy diet has proven to be a health issue for the Inuits. Many suffer from  a  low  calcium and vitamin D intake, but surprisingly, a vitamin C definitely has not been an issue for most.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Usage of a Language Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Usage of a Language - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that language is a uniquely human experience. The need to communicate and its method (language) are based in the human psyche and passed on from one generation to the next. Language is closely bound up with the forms of human thought. It serves a vast range of communicative needs, from getting the neighbor to keep the music down, to telling jokes, making declarations of love or hate, or praying etc. It also functions in the middle of complex civilizations, not just as a way of communication, but as an indicator of social identity, a sign of association to a social class, ethnic group, or country.  Every word in a language is a term. Every term has both meaning an assumption, and this is why language barriers are more than measly communication barriers, why something is always lost in translation. A language portrays society and emotion in its very essence. It develops as a people develop. Hence to understand a particular language is to live within it and its culture. This is where swear words get their power from, for example damn, shit all have different textual meanings but are conversationally used as swear words. Linguistics is the study of language and concerns itself with all aspects of how people utilize language and what they have to know in order to do so.  All languages change, they have histories, and they live and die along with the societies they belong to. Human languages are typically referred to as natural languages. A common progression for natural languages is that they are considered to be first spoken, and then written, and then an understanding and explanation of their grammar is attempted. Any language that is in a constant state of change is known as a living language or modern language.  A language that ceases to change or develop is classified as a dead language. The most universal process leading to language death is one in which a society of speakers of one language becomes bilingual in an additional language, and gradually shifts loyalty to the second language until they stop to use their original (or heritage) language. This is a process of incorporation which may be voluntary or may be forced upon a people.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

I'll cook for you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I'll cook for you - Essay Example You will also need time and money to look for the best advertising agency to suit your business needs (Grow and Altstiel, 2006). Since you have a career in nutrition and perhaps you do not have sufficient knowledge about advertising or marketing, then you need to hire an advertising agent. The second thing that you need in your business is to grow it. It is just a start-up, so you need to devote all resources to make it grow. At this initial stages there could be some constraints of money; hiring an advertising agent will drain your money instead of using them to grow your business since it is just a start-up. However, it may also be necessary to hire an advertising agency once the business grows because you will need to establish the business first before you can get enough money to hire skilled in-house advertising or marketing team. On the other hand, in-house advertising agency requires online advertising and marketing resources because it is the best way to communicate with potential customers at the start-up stage in which you will be busy handling your food service operations. Furthermore, if you are familiar with the advertising and marketing, then you may handle the advertising work in-house but you will need to sacrifice some time out of your food service operations and deal with advertising services. As small as the business is currently, you will need to devote a lot of time to your business in order to make it grow. There are also various advantages and disadvantages of in-house advertising and hiring an advertising agency. One of the advantages of an advertising agency is that it brings advertising and marketing expertise and specialized knowledge into the business. Agencies have resources to provide advertising knowhow that your small business does not have. Another advantage of an advertising agency is that it saves time for the business. While you

Project Management for Body Shop Products through Online Channels Research Paper

Project Management for Body Shop Products through Online Channels - Research Paper Example As to retail their strategies they believe in their stores instead of franchise marketing, however, however, an expansion of online shopping strategy may be a requirement for Body Shop as most of the international market is now shrinking into online shopping which is becoming a preference for most customers. Also, there are many websites selling similar products online. Websites do drag a number of customers because of their online marketing. For expanding their brand image and selling possibilities, Body Shop may opt for involving online, print and media marketing strategies which are supposed to provide uplift in the popularity and information of Body Shop and its products. They must also be keen to provide proper investments to online marketing strategies. Key Strategies for Market Expansion Over the last years most of the sale had been targeted to local natives buying from stores. Now, as the online sales have come under main suppositions, Body Shop has to focus on advertising th ough various print and media options enhancing the traffic on their websites. They have to understand that it is surprisingly rare for people to say that IT technology causes project failure or major difficulties, but it is usually project management - or a lack of it - that causes the grief (Roberts). Thus, a proper marketing strategy applied for marketing online, may require a project that bring a new brand image alive. There are a number of key points to be included in project: Body Shop has to look for establishing various hoardings and banners to drag the attentions of passersby and residents maintaining their range and facility to provide their products in the shortest period of time and within an economical range. For enhancing the range through online retailing, Body Shop has to generate their marketing websites including very minute detailing of their products attached with various online visual advertisements focusing the quality, key factors of their products and ease of their services. They also have to rebuild their content stressing their past records and their new strategies. Content is very important because it is chief factor to drag customers attention while online marketing has become a significant part of the marketing mix in many organizations (An introduction to Internet Marketing). To expose their products to new buyers, they have to including numerous options of news papers and magazines that will make their new strategies to expand through print advertisements. For expanding their range of delivery Body Shop have to include more representatives particularly for their online management. Over the recent analysis, Body Shop has to realize that scenario of market has drastically changed after 2005. Previously, most of the customers using Body Shop products were regular customers depending chiefly on their reliable shops and retail store. However, experimental nature is now quite common among the customers. Also there are many random custom ers who believe in ‘giving a try’ to numerous products. Therefore, Body Shop has to design its further planning and managements according to new definitions clientele and market scenarios. Key Plans for Managing the Reformation There are a number of steps to be taken in order to accomplish the renovation of overall market strategies of Body Shop. Even if they have to pay attention to common

Intelligence Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intelligence Analysis - Essay Example Intelligence analysis is a discipline, as it requires more than just education to carry out some function of analysis in concise manner. Therefore, intelligence analysis has to combine historical, journalism, research methodology, professional skeptics and information collection techniques to be effective. Because it is a discipline, the intelligence analysts have to bear skills and knowledge of the subject matter to be analyzed and to be in line with the analysis policies as well. Intelligence analysis should also have an understanding of the research methods as a discipline in order to organize and evaluate the collected data. As a discipline, intelligence analysis has an understanding of the unique collection methods of information that relates to intelligence and other relevant aspects. There is a connection between psychology and intelligence analysis and the two disciplines blend well because they both recognize the cognitive biases as well as other cognitive influenced that come because of intelligence

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibilities report Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibilities report - Assignment Example The company ensures environmental sustainability through incorporating best practices which reduces impact on environment. Wendy is more concerned about people and believes in giving something extra to stakeholders apart from offering superior quality food choices. This organization serves local communities and takes active measures to minimize any form of societal issues. On the contrary, the Subway system is inclined towards providing healthier and tasty food choices. The company attempts to reduce environmental impact and structures effective programs for local communities. Sustainable sourcing is one of the corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by the company. It maintains a strict code for vendors and streamlines supply chain activities. Safety standards and high food quality are maintained by the organization and they are involved in reducing water conservation, energy utilization, etc. They even serve local communities through large number of donations and spon sorships. Subway is an active participant in context of extending support to educational institutions and local charities. Wendy’s and Subway forms a major part of the food industry. The companies are actively involved in providing superior quality foods to customers. Nutrition and health standards are taken into consideration while manufacturing food products. Environmental sustainability is a common approach adopted by both the companies. There are different practices adopted by the firms in order to enhance environmental sustainability. Environmental friendly practices are common for both the organizations. They are actively indulged in reducing level of water or energy conservation. This is an important corporate social responsibility approach and it needs to be focused on by all companies. However both the companies have initiated different programs so as to ensure that their

Internationalization of The Indian Market Essay

Internationalization of The Indian Market - Essay Example Internationalization of The Indian Market The market for consumer goods in India has been on an upward trend since the amendment of the Consumer Protection Act 1986 giving consumers an upper hand in deciding what they want (Tiwari and Herstatt, 2012). According to Bruche (2009), consumption trends in India indicate an inclination towards satisfaction of wants rather than the traditional focus on needs. Consumer culture has favoured the development of textile industry as people tend to replace their clothing with new ones every now and then and discarding the ones that are out of fashion. Repair of clothes has become a thing of the past among the working and business class and is only in the rural neighbourhoods that people are likely to repair worn-out clothes. This is an indication that consumers have more money to buy new clothes. According to Beise (2004), a successful consumer society is characterized by an increased rate of production of goods and services, increased purchases and consumption. The Indian society can be considered to be progressing as all these aspects are evident in the market (Bruche, 2009). It is therefore necessary to consider India as a perfect foreign market for the SME’s internationalization strategy. The Uppsala model described by Johanson and Vahlne (2013) will be most appropriate in the expansion of the textile business in the Indian market. As proposed in the model, it will be necessary to understand and gain experience in the UK market which is the home country where the SME is established.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibilities report Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibilities report - Assignment Example The company ensures environmental sustainability through incorporating best practices which reduces impact on environment. Wendy is more concerned about people and believes in giving something extra to stakeholders apart from offering superior quality food choices. This organization serves local communities and takes active measures to minimize any form of societal issues. On the contrary, the Subway system is inclined towards providing healthier and tasty food choices. The company attempts to reduce environmental impact and structures effective programs for local communities. Sustainable sourcing is one of the corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by the company. It maintains a strict code for vendors and streamlines supply chain activities. Safety standards and high food quality are maintained by the organization and they are involved in reducing water conservation, energy utilization, etc. They even serve local communities through large number of donations and spon sorships. Subway is an active participant in context of extending support to educational institutions and local charities. Wendy’s and Subway forms a major part of the food industry. The companies are actively involved in providing superior quality foods to customers. Nutrition and health standards are taken into consideration while manufacturing food products. Environmental sustainability is a common approach adopted by both the companies. There are different practices adopted by the firms in order to enhance environmental sustainability. Environmental friendly practices are common for both the organizations. They are actively indulged in reducing level of water or energy conservation. This is an important corporate social responsibility approach and it needs to be focused on by all companies. However both the companies have initiated different programs so as to ensure that their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Block Scheduling vs Periods Essay Example for Free

Block Scheduling vs Periods Essay A small debate has always been discussed when talking about block scheduling and traditional class periods. Some people like the longer classes while others prefer the traditional six shorter class periods. Everyone has their own opinions about block scheduling. Block scheduling can be really helpful to high school students in many ways. Although, block scheduling is a longer time spent in one class, it should be mandatory in all high schools rather than traditional class periods. Block Scheduling is more like college classes, rather than traditional six period classes. There are many ways to schedule with using the block method. One option is the alternating block schedule. Classes meet each day for ninety minutes. Four classes meet on A days, and four meet on B days, with days of the week alternating as A or B. The second method is the semester block scheduling. This allows students to attend just four classes for ninety minutes each day for an entire semester. The following semester students enroll in another four classes. These two methods are the most like college classes. It is good for high school students to experience and get used to the longer time spent in classes to prepare them for college. Block scheduling allows students to take more subjects and cover more material in one class. High school students need to prepare for the future and get used to the way college classes are organized and with the block scheduling they are sure to do that. With the six traditional class periods students only have forty-five to sixty minutes in each class before the bell signals for the next. By the traditional six classes they stay in the same subject all year around. Block scheduling gives two more extra classes to take because of the extra time (Schroth). Many high school students are involved in extracurricular activities at the school they attend. By using the block method, teachers can get most of everything they had planned finished in one class allowing extra time to do class work and students will not have as much homework. Only having four classes cut down on homework rather than six classes all year around. Block scheduling allows teachers to teach less students and can have relationships and get to know each student very well. Students can get direct help from the instructor and can learn more easily (Ediger). This is good for at risk students because it gives them a chance to just focus on a few subjects each semester rather than all year long. In some schools, block scheduling allows students to take dual enrollment at their local community college. By doing this, high school students can get a head start on college classes if they are able (Childers). Many opportunities to help academics can come from the block scheduling method. Block Scheduling allows students who fail a subject the first semester, to retake it the second semester. Many schools have seen test scores increase (Wilson). While students have more time to do daily work instead of homework, teachers have more time for their planning period. It allows more time for more in class projects and individual work between students and the instructor. Many teachers have said that with block scheduling, more discipline problems have decreased. Because traditional scheduling requires changing classes six times a day, students get more chances to start trouble between those classes. With block scheduling you’re only changing three times and there is a less chance of problems between classes (Wilson). Block scheduling does have its disadvantages just like traditional scheduling. Since students will not be going to class daily, some subjects might require drill and practice to stay refreshed on a student’s mind (Schroth). With classes being ninety minutes, students might get tired or bored with the subject they are in and ready to go to the next class. A bad instructor could cause students to not want to go to class for that long of a time. Block scheduling advantages outweighs its disadvantage. It prepares high school students for college. College classes are completely different than high school. Teachers have more time to prepare, teach and individually help each student in class. Discipline issues have decreased because of the less time spent in the hallways. The block method is great for all high schools and preparing students for the future.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Influence of Developed Countries on Developing Countries

Influence of Developed Countries on Developing Countries Gabriela Gonzà ¡lez Abstract This research paper aims to demonstrate the importance of creativity in the treatment of innovation and progress in developing countries. Besides, to analyze the influence of developed countries over developing countries. On the other hand, to explain how the economic system, the educational system and the social system contribute the lack of creativity and innovation in societies with low economic resources. This research will be made through studies based on documentary research that expose the relationship between creativity and innovation. Among the aspects to be explored we have the limitations of educational system, which inhibits the progress of society because this system encourages the memorization and not in the development of creativity. Another important point to discuss is the lack of financial resources and the debt that many countries have in developing, the limited development of innovation. As a last point, the social environment that promote individualistic behavior and do not contribute to social improvement. In conclusion, this essay seeks to demonstrate the main reasons for the lack of progress in the developing countries and to propose possible solutions to encourage creativity in these countries. Keywords: Creativity, Innovation, Progress, Developing countries. What are the factors that inhibit innovation and progress in developing countries? Nowadays, creativity has a very important role in the development of innovation and progress of societies with low economic resources. However, many countries do not take into account and the development of creativity. In the case of developing countries its economic system and educational system do not do enough to encourage creativity among students. As a consequence, developing countries need to adopt the standards from developed countries to satisfy each of their needs for food, education and health. On the other hand, developing countries have a great disadvantage because of the imposed standards by developed countries, which do not allow developing countries to develop by themselves to get innovative projects or take their own ideas. In addition, Creativity is essential to innovation and progress. However, in developing countries through a series of problems caused by the economic crisis, the edu cational environment and the lack of initiative by the society. For this reason, the three main factors that inhibit the innovation and progress in developing countries are: First, the limitations of the education system. Second, the lack of economic resources. Third, the lack of enterprising attitude that prevents progress. First of all, the limitations of education system are one of the main reasons of lack of the innovation and progress in developing countries. Currently, education system in many developing countries follows educational model and the standards of developed countries due to these countries have economic stability, a great amount of resources and the necessary power to completely dominate the educational system of developing countries. On the contrary, many developing countries lack the financial resources to satisfy the needs of their citizens. However, the real problem of developing countries is the lack of creativity due to this education system inhibit that students to develop their own skill and have the initiative to develop project innovative or make a change in the society. In the article Do Schools Kill Creativity? (2006) Robinson states that system of public education around the world is a protracted process of university entrance. And the consequence is that many highly-talen ted, brilliant, creative people think theyre not, because the thing they were good at school wasnt valued (p. 1). Taking this into account, educational system hierarchizes the knowledge of students who cannot develop their creative abilities since the educational system stigmatizes everything that does not comply with its principles. In conclusion, education system inhibits the progress of society because it has more interest in academic capacities that in creative capacities. As a result, the two main limitations of educational system are: First, the lack of creativity in educative institutions. Second, standardized and traditionalist education. The lack of creativity in educative institutions One of the limitations of the educational system is the lack of creativity in schools. Because these institutions follow an educational model based on the learning of the sciences which does not take into account the creativity in the development of knowledge. However, in the documentary The Finland Phenomenon (2013) Sean Faust expounds that to learn to make use of knowledge, there should be no differences between sensory skills or academic skills because to learn you need both. On the other hand, this Model of teaching does not promote the learning of creative subjects such as music, dance or art because to obtain a title does not need to be creative. But creativity plays a very important role in the development of innovation since it allows to create things without the need to have several knowledge. For example, William Kamkwamba despite not having finished his education with the help of creativity he managed to build a windmill that helped his family to have electricity. For this reason, schools should encourage creativity because it is an essential tool for the progress of society. Standardized and traditionalist education. Another limitation of the educational system is standardized and traditional education. Because many educational institutions follow a system of teaching based on memorization and repetition. However, in agreement with the documentary The Finland Phenomenon (2013) Sean Faust expounds that it is important to understand the reasons that underlie things, to understand, to reason and to find the solutions for itself . On the other hand, this educational system foments the competitiveness and the inequality between the students. As a result, many students drop out of school and are part of the group of unemployed. On the contrary, the students who continue their studies are subject to the strict evaluation system, which is based on a series of tests that aims to qualify the performance of students and categorize them into good or bad. However, the standards of this system do not prepare students for real life and for this reason is a traditional system as it prevents students from generat ing their own ideas and develop innovative projects that help the progress of society. Second, the lack of economic another of the factors that inhibit the innovation and progress in developing countries because many developing countries have many debts with developed countries. As a result, developing countries do not have sufficient resources to develop projects or to generate ideas of change. One the main reasons for the lack of economic resources in developing countries is external debt because many of these countries need to borrow money from the most developed countries to cover their basic needs. However, In the article Economic: principles and practices (2001) Clayton explains that when debts get this large, countries have trouble even paying interest on the loans. As a result, some developing nations are on the brink of default or not repaying borrowed money (p.3).On the other hand, one of the most important factors for the development of innovative ideas is the material resource. In this case, many developing countries have a great variety of res ources such as: minerals, petroleum which are the raw material of many international industries. However, despite having the resources to sustain its economy and progress. The two main reasons for the lack of economic resources are: First, the lack of economic autonomy. Second, economic dependence. The lack of economic autonomy One of main reason for the lack of economic resources is the lack of economic autonomy due to that developing countries do not have economic resources. Therefore, developing countries do not have the economy to make their own decisions. As a result, they have to be subjected to the system of developed countries. On the other hand, developing countries lack autonomy because the level of education of the population is not appropriate. In the article Latin America Needs to Improve Access to opportunities to Win Poverty Fight(2016) Calvo explains that low education and income, as well as living in rural areas, remain important barriers for access to economic opportunities and mobility from one generation to the next In other words, developing countries may be autonomous when the index of education and resources financed allows society to be self-reliant. Economic dependence Another reason for the lack of economic resources is economic dependence due to developing countries adopted system economic of developed countries.. For this reason, developing countries cannot afford their resources because some of the resources of these countries are destined to pay the debts. As a result, the raw material of these countries contributes to the industrial development of the developed countries. Thus, limiting the opportunity to develop innovative projects in poor societies. However, In the articleA Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill (2007) Childress explains that William Kamkwamba has built three windmills in his yard here, using blue-gum trees and bicycle parts.(p.1).Taking this into account, she shows that to innovate not is necessary to have a lot of money only is need have creativity. Third, the lack of enterprising attitude is another of the factors that inhibit the innovation and progress in developing countries because society focuses on mechanizing students so they have convergent thinking which follows social standards and does not allow students to make their own decisions and lose the ability to think freely. In the article Scientists Are More Creative than You Might Imagine (2014) Ossola states that Scientists dont usually have a reputation for being very creative. They have to adhere to the scientific method, use statistics and data, and carefully measure their results activities that would appear to take the magic out of the creative process However, taking this account currently we live in a society where knowledge is stigmatized and to be a scientist or a professional is not necessary to be creative but to accumulate information and knowledge. As a result, Developing countries limited their own progress by social stereotypes and social environment are themselves who put barriers to creativity and innovation. Social standards One of the reasons for lack of progress is social standards because society does not approve of creativity because it is supposed to violate social norms. Furthermore, social system limits children by making them adopt convergent thinking and loses their creative abilities. For example, one of the most introduced social standards states that to progress one must have a degree as an engineer or doctor. On the other hand, activities like dancing or drawing do not lead to any progress. In the documentary Do Schools Kill Creativity?(2006) Robinson states that We stigmatize mistakes. And were now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. .In conclusion, social standards limit the development of innovation because they prevent people from constructive thinking and generate innovative projects. Social environmental Another reason for the lack of the progress is social environmental because society does not allow students to learn about what real life is like and inhibit their creativity by preventing them from having their own vision about things. In addition, society encourages competition among students. However, in the article The case for disruption in Latin Americas classrooms (2016) Sagal states that the children need different skill such as collaboration, creativity and problem-solving and character qualities like persistence, curiosity and initiative. Skilled jobs are increasingly concentrated on effectively analyzing information to solve problems. Therefore, if society fosters these skills in children in the future they will be the forerunners of development. To sum up, creativity is a determinate factor in the innovation and progress of developing countries. On the other hand, both the educational system and the economic system have been influenced by the developed countries because they have many economic resources. As a result, societies with low economic resources depend on the progress of the developed countries because they do not have the power or the economy to lead a stable life Additionally, the innovation and progress of these societies is limited by three factors; external debt, lack of creativity in the education system and lack of initiative on the part of society. As a consequence, the developing countries are disadvantaged compared to the developed countries. However, if the developing countries will implemented creativity would eliminate the barriers of innovation and societies with low resources can have a better life. Therefore, in my opinion there are three feasible solutions that would allow the development of creativ ity. I would like to explain that his topic is important because it means the fact that inhibits the progress of developing countries. In addition, it describes the disadvantages of developing countries. To conclude, I think that developing countries need to investigate more and create more because this is the way to progress and reach their economic and social objectives. References Childress, S. (2007, December). A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, electrifying a  Nation. Clayton, G. (2001) Economics: Principles Practices. Retrieved from Faust, S. (2011, March). Education system of Finland [Documentary]. Retrieved from Ossola, A. (2014). Scientists Are More Creative Than You Think. The Atlantic. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from scientist/382633/ Robinson, K. (2006, February). Do schools kill creativity? [TED talk]. Retrieved from: Segal, S. (2016, May). The case for disruption in Latin Americas classroom. Retrieved from: The Work Bank (2016, October) Latin America needs to improve access to opportunities to Win Poverty Fight, Revised from:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Racism in Literature Essay -- Racial Relations, Strange Fruit

Racism, a disease of the ignorant, is a horrific part of society, and has reared its ugly head throughout history, and is continuing to do the same today. Racism comes in many shapes and forms, directed towards a variation of cultures. It can end lives and tear communities apart. Often times, there are people who see racism, and are inspired to write about it, with the goal in mind to make a difference and change societies belief. Abel Meeropol and Harper Lee had that goal in common, when writing â€Å"Strange Fruit†, a poem about lynching, and To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel about a persecuting southern to. Both the contrast made and the word choice are effective parts of the poem. Symbolism and satire are also big parts. The theme of racism is also important, which is supported by the title and the author’s tone. To begin, the contrast within the poem, and the word choice were all very meaningful, and helped develop the poem into the amazing piece of literature it is. First, the contrast of hideous events in the beautiful south is quite an eye opener. The author paints a beautiful image of the setting, with â€Å"Pastoral scene of the gallant south†¦ Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh† (5). Then, in the next lines, the reader learns of the horrific events that have occurred, taking the beauty out of the land. â€Å"Black body swinging in the poplar trees. The bulging eyes and twisted mouth†(3). The second meaningful part of the poem is having every word hit home. Abel Meeropol knew how to take words, and use them for a way in which he could shock the reader, and make him or her have an empty guilty feeling in the pit of his or her stomach. Next, numbness has become a feeling that is felt too often, and that option is thrown out the window wi... ...which can be looked at like being racist towards others is a sin. However, unlike in â€Å"Strange Fruit†, the tone in To Kill a Mockingbird is very innocent, due to the point of view of a child. This supports the theme because it shows the reader why racism is wrong, without any bias, or bitterness. Incredible authors can make the reader feel strong emotions through their words, and take on a new perspective on the world, and life itself. Abel Meeropol, author of the poem â€Å"Strange Fruit†, and Harper Lee, author of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, did a great job of beginning to knock down the mental stone walls people have built overtime, and making them see the wrongness of racism. The authors both used inner-contrast, word choice, symbolism, satire, and the theme of racism, supported by the title and tone, to create incredible, groundbreaking works of literature.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free Essays: Hamlet and Go Tell it on the Mountain :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Hamlet and Go Tell it on the Mountain Claudius and Gabriel are very similar, as they are very different people. Claudius and Gabriel share the characteristic that both regret what they do. Gabriel doesn't actually get down on his knees and pray like Claudius does, the reader could tell though, that Gabriel is having some great problems with the way he is. His personality interferes with his daily life. He hates white people yet he is a preacher, a teacher of God. Gabriel does other things throughout the book that make other characters in the book wonder if Gabriel really wants to be a preacher, if Gabriel really can handle the responsibilities, any longer, that are needed to be a preacher. Claudius killed his own brother. His actions have basically ruined his life. The way he thinks and handles things aren't the most productive and at times aren't very bright. Gabriel has many problems with his life. At times, he can't really control his thoughts and his actions. He is a very confused person as well. He does so many things throughout the book that make it seem as if he doesn't care about anyone or anything and just does what ever he wants to do, with out any boundaries being drawn to what he could do. He had sex with a women that was not his wife, while he was married!! How can a preacher do such a thing. It was against Gods Commandments but he did it anyway. Does he regret what he does? Probably. He thinks to himself and maybe prays to God asking him for his forgiveness and help to stop him from being such a person. If something came up like to have sex with another women other than his wife, he would probably go ahead and have sex without thinking to much about it. Gabriel is also a very selfish person. He does things that he wants to do. Gabriel doesn't sacrifice anything for anyone. If he feels like having sex with another women, he go es ahead and does it. He doesn't think about Deborah's thoughts, about Gods thoughts or about anyone else's thoughts. Does he even love Deborah? There was a part of the book where Gabriel was thinking to himself and he talks about how he hates Deborah. The following is that same part. "Deborah turned to look at them, and at that moment Gabriel saw, as though for the first time, how black and bony was this wife of his, and how wholly undesirable.

Friday, October 11, 2019

“Icarus” by Edward Field Essay

â€Å"Icarus† by Edward Field is about a young man named Icarus Hicks who experiences anguish while living in the human world, but attempts to fly again. The original Greek myth of Icarus states that Daedalus, father of Icarus, made wings out of feathers and wax to escape from the Labyrinth (a complex maze he built). After constructing the wings, Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun; however, Icarus disregarded his warning and flew close to the sun, melting the wax. Icarus plummeted into the water where he drowned to death. The poem, â€Å"Icarus† exhibits how Icarus did not actually drown but swam to a city where he began to live a human life. References to the myth include, â€Å"compelled by the sun† (line 14) and â€Å"thought himself a hero† (26). Icarus is depicted as remorseful of his actions and wishes he had drowned instead. â€Å"Icarus† includes a number of literary devices, such as alliteration. In line 1, Field writes â€Å"feathers floating† and in line 3, â€Å"police preferred.† In the third stanza, there is â€Å"curtains carefully† (line 22) and â€Å"hates himself† (line 25). Field also describes the setting, the human world, as dull and mundane for example in line 11 Icarus is wearing a â€Å"gray, respectable suit.† The tone in the poem is gloomy and dejected as represented in line 13 with â€Å"sad, defeated eyes.† Imagery is perceived in line 1 â€Å"feathers floating around the hat† and line 24-25, â€Å"tries to fly to the lighting fixture on the ceiling.† In the poem â€Å"Icarus† by Edward Field, the main protagonist, Icarus, is struggling to adjust to the human world and cannot let go of his past. The purpose of the poem was to allude to the Greek myth of Icarus and demonstrate how greed may lead to a lifetime of regret and sorrow. Field portrays Icarus’ grief through his daily life in the modern world.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Maths Research and budgeting

Starr full time earning $17. 50/hrs working 40 hours a week with a net Income of $32, 841. I need to buy a car wealth my price range to make sure I can get to work on time. Starr is approximately km away from home so driving to and from work will approximately be km a day. Working 5 days a week in total I will be traveling km.I choose a 2014 Mediumistic Mirage Sport LA that costs $9,990 because it is fuel efficient, runs well, parts are easy to find and reasonably cheap, I eve Mediumistic and the look of this particular car, I have friends that own this car and they say It Is the most reliable car they have ever owned, It Is small but has lots of room with a massive boot space which is 235 liters (plenty of room for the shopping it is easier to park into tight spots and has the power of a sports vehicle.The car has a USB port inbuilt to the stereo, Bluetooth for hands free phone calls, CD player, MPH/ AX compatible, ABS, cup holders, power windows, 5 star UNCAP rating and 6 airbags o r added safety. It comes with 5 years warranty or 130,000 kilometers and 5 years road side assistance. This mirage is a 5 speed manual hatch back, 5 doors, and 5 starter car. It's a front wheel drive with a 3 cylinder 1. AL petrol engine, the rims are steel and tire size is 195/65 ROR and diameter being xx, it is silver in color.The approximate cost of running this vehicle will be $69 per smokes. At current petrol prices it will cost around $51 to fill the tank at 35 liters. Driving to and from work at bout skims per week will cost around $14 in fuel, adding in weekend driving at about skims for Saturday and Sunday it should only cost me $21 a week in fuel. Registration for this vehicle for 12 months will cost about $1200 with green slip being $578, pink slip $35 and registration approximately $530. Comprehensive Insurance will cost $64. 0 per month going through Budget Direct as the insurer. Maintaining this car with a full service every smokes for 12 months will cost $750 if taken to a mechanic but If you know what you're doing when servicing a car you can buy the arts and do the service yourself at a much lower price. The cost of running this car per year will cost $3,816 without any unexpected repairs or failures. My other expenses Include rent being $70 per week, food costing around $50 per week, entertainment $100, savings account $50, and miscellaneous $50.I have learnt that this type of car is relevant for my situation as it is, very affordable, economic and efficient. It comes with the 5 year warranty so if anything went wrong in the first 5 years it's not a cost that I would have to deal with. It has low carbon emissions, which makes it better for the environment and knowing that I have the 5 year road side assistance for the next 5 years gives me piece of mind that I will not be stranded and late for work.This assignment has taught me that shopping around Is an Important factor as you need to consider reliability, affordability and economics not jus t looks. You can find bargains out there and it can take time but if you make the right purchase you will never regret spending your entire savings on a brand new car as I ill have it for a longer period of time and is reasonably cheap to maintain.I did enjoy this assignment as I learnt about budgeting, how to research what car would be right for my Immediate and future needs, efficiency, fuel consumption and carbon the following: cardioids. Com. AU Redbook. Com. AU gummier. Com. AU mutinous. Com. AU arms. News. Gob. AU grisliness's. Com. AU facilitator. Com. AU compartmented. Com. AU Below are pictures of the Mediumistic Mirage I have chosen to purchase.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Persuasive speech: People should support organic food production Essay

Ladies and Gentlemen, Have you ever thought about the food you eat? Of course you have, we all do. We think about the taste, the ingredients and the health benefits, but we don’t question where the food comes from and we barely think about all the chemicals and toxins added to it, because most foods that we are surrounded with are all the same, most food companies that we enjoy are not organically produced, but are just easier to obtain. We see organic food so rarely and are encouraged so rarely by it that we don’t even think of it as a priority, we just think of it as an expensive rare market. I believe that people all around the world should support organic food production. In 1983 genetically modified food was introduced to the world, and by 1996 it was found on super-market shelves worldwide. It was a huge commercial explosion. Genetically modified food is produced from plants and animals that scientists have been able to modify by changing the gene structure, which can alter foods characteristics. One of the first examples of genetically modified foods is the FlavrSavr tomato; as you know when a tomato ripens, it reddens becomes soft, and naturally rots. Scientists then chemically were able to change the gene that causes this, meaning the tomato can ripen for longer, redden for longer, and rot slower than it naturally would. One of the main reasons why we should support organic food growth productions is for the better benefits for our bodies and health. As farmers plant seeds, they slowly inject the growing food with numerous amounts of toxins to make it genetically modified/ non-organic. The worst additions would be the pesticide toxins and irradiation. Pesticides are horrible toxins used on growing plants like tomatoes and oranges, which cause health risks. The Environmental Health News found a new case study showing that â€Å"prenatal exposure to pesticides, can decrease a child’s IQ and are proven to be more harmful to boys than girls as their developing brains are much more vulnerable.† Close to the end of the process when all the toxins have been added to create a sure non-organic product, irradiation is accustomed for non-organic products as it’s meant to kill the harmful bacteria and microorganisms in the plant, however states â€Å"The purpose of  irradiation is to kill pathogens, but the ironic part is that it doesn’t kill all pathogens and certainly destroys most of the food’s good qualities. Irradiation also changes the chemical structure of the molecules within the food and can transform them into mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds that promote cancer.† All of this combined creates an awful product that I’m sure no one wants to consume. Laura Fillmore, from Gardnerville, Nevada, states in the NY Times â€Å"organic production is better for the land. Not probably better, but definitely better.† You probably don’t think about this much, because as teenagers we eat a lot of unhealthy products and although we are aware of some consequences and possibilities, we don’t seem to be very concerned about where the food comes from. Nevertheless we are concerned for the future of our planet, we want to help, we do the little things that make a difference; we recycle, we turn off the lights, we care about our future and our planet. But did you know that eating organic food can actually benefit the earth just as much? The chemicals added to the non-organic plants, suck all the nutrients out of the soil, damaging it, until it can start to restore, which can take over a hundred years. The land becomes useless, that’s why the US government is already looking for foreign land, which they could use for their farming. Due to these plantation techniques soil erosion occurs, it forms large amounts of dust in the air and when mixed with wind creates air pollution, which is v ery environmentally unfriendly, that’s why organic food is a better choice for farmers and for us to support. It’s an easy way we can help save our planet and our health. Organic food does tend to be more expensive, but if people can support organic food and demand its production, maybe we can create a better world for the next generation of people, it’s hard but it’s a goal that’s worth striving and completing! If we want to help our planet, our countries, and our selves we need think carefully about what we’re eating. We need to support organic food production we need to choose the best there is; which means the simplest. Israel, Brett, Environmental Health Sciences. â€Å"Environmental health news: Widely used pesticide seems to harm boys brains more than girls, 2012.† Accessed 18th September, 2012. Miller, Vin, Rage Wellness. â€Å"Natural bias: 7 major reasons to go organic, 2009.† Accessed 18th September, 2012. Savvy Vegetarians Inc. â€Å"What Is Organic Food and why we Should Eat It?† Accessed 19th September, 2012.